“Where fashion is designed to look great long after the seasonal trend is dead”


Discover the inspiring stories of our powerful ambassadors from Halsduk by Esmee. These power women embrace the products of Halsduk by Esmee and share the same values as our brand. Learn more about why they love wearing a Halsduk by Esmee item and be inspired by their personal experiences.

Renske Rietrea

Renske Ritrae

Who is Renske?

My name is Renske, I am 27 years old. I am currently building our home and future together with my boyfriend Mark, in beautiful Oirschot. I am an enthusiastic, inquisitive and passionate person. I love swimming, hiking in nature, making jewelry, vintage shopping, reading, photography and taking beautiful trips.

What is your background?

I come from a warm civil service family in Oirschot. My parents have always supported and encouraged me to do what you love and make your dreams come true. Since I wanted to become a fashion designer as a child, I decided to do something with my creativity. When interior design came my way, I immediately saw many similarities with fashion. I took the Interior-Exterior Project Leader course at SintLucas before starting my own business at the age of 24.

What do you do in daily life?

I get to help people create their dream home. I do this with my company Rebel interiors. The name Rebel says it all: I like to do things differently. I get inspired by other people and their living environment. I do this by observing, empathizing and thinking deeply. I combine my knowledge of interior design with my knowledge of Feng Shui/ psychology. This ensures that you not only see that a space is beautiful but also feel it.

What is your personal life lesson?

In 2024, I fell into a spirited burnout. During my burnout, I watched the movie Eat Pray Love with a friend. In this movie I saw the Italian quote: “Dolce far niente”: just doing nothing for a while and enjoying it. Super typical for my burnout but also for the hurried society we live in.

What are your dreams?

Living a slow living life: a way to create a conscious lifestyle. Both for my clients as an interior designer, and for myself within my private life. A life where you can enjoy and be in the moment, together with the people you love.

Finally; What is your favorite Halsduk item?

My favorite Halsduk item is the purple kimono with a butterfly belt. When I saw this kimono, I was sold. You can see and feel that Esmee makes her clothes with so much love. It is a special item that I will wear all my life.

Photography: Simone van de Wouw

Monique Sleutjens

Who is Monique?

I am 51 years young and live in the fantastic center of Oisterwijk. You can often find me walking in the center of Oisterwijk, where I enjoy a snack and a drink. I have my regular addresses for a nice lunch or a delicious dinner. Often I meet nice people for a good conversation with substance and depth. I like to connect and am interested in my fellow man.

What is your background?

From a small modest girl I have developed into an independent woman. Through trial and error, I am very proud of where I am today. I have always continued to believe in my own qualities. That has made me an independent entrepreneur. Persistent in continuing to trust in my qualities. My father and mother always told me that hard work does not kill you. Everything I achieved, I accomplished independently.

What do you do in daily life?

I am proud to say that I have been working as an independent hairdresser for 26 years with a lot of passion and pleasure.

If you do what you love you never have to work. Years ago I sat in a room at the “Master your mindset” by Michael Pilarczyk. I will never forget these beautiful words and have been using them as a wise lesson ever since. This is how it feels to me every day. I go to my clients with love and joy. Always up for a good conversation. I provide them with expert advice and an appropriate cut. My biggest compliment is when my client stands radiant and confident in front of the mirror and can only say: wow, that’s cool! Then I say, this is what I do it for. So grateful!

What makes you happy?

In my spare time you can often find me in the woods of Oisterwijk where I like to do sports or just enjoy a walk. The trees, the fens, it brings me peace and here I can clear my head. Here I tell myself “just mytime”.

What are your dreams?

I dream of a small place in nature, preferably by the water. A place where people in my practice can unwind and share their stories.

Finally; what is your favorite Halsduk item?

I saw the blue kaftan dress and immediately fell in love. Beauty, elegance and class! In this I can totally be myself. This is my first item and definitely not my last. The dress also says to me; do the things that are exciting. Learn from this and develop yourself.

Monique Sleutjes Halsduk Ambassadeur
Fleur Klijnsmit

Fleur Klijnsmit

Who is Fleur?

My name is Fleur. I am 53 years old and live in the Rotterdam area. I live with my childhood sweetheart Marco and our 3 fantastic children, who are 18, 16 and 14. I have lots of energy, broad interests and I would have to have 7 lifetimes to see and do everything on my bucket list. I especially love reading about all kinds of topics, rather diverse music, cooking myself but also eating at a chef’s or special new restaurants, running (and hiking!), dancing until it’s light and traveling.

What is your background?

I always say I’m half lawyer and half economist… After my bachelor in what they now call Business Administration, I studied at Erasmus Social Sciences. At Randstad, I graduated with quantitative research on sick leave. The staffing industry, where I more or less started my career, alternated with consultancy and outsourcing, often with the theme of HR and a technological component.

What do you do in daily life?

I’m back in employment services and ultimately responsible for a group of companies in the Netherlands (CEO RGF Staffing). We are part of a Japanese company, which is at the forefront of developing technology in our profession and is hugely socially engaged.

What are your dreams?

That my children grow up to be happy adults, live a long life in good health, see all the countries on my bucket list, one day manage a large hotel chain or a global fashion brand, start my own restaurant, study computer science, data analytics or marketing, learn to speak Spanish much better, be able to run 10 km easily, go on a parachute jump, visit Coachella festival, learn to play the piano better, learn to DJ ….etc…

What is your personal life lesson?

From my childhood I was taught a few lessons, and the ones that stuck with me the best often came from my father: Can’t doesn’t exist. You can do anything, if you want to. There is always a solution, there are multiple routes that lead to Rome. Live and let live, don’t judge, be tolerant and understanding of other opinions. You have to put in some effort, hard work is the norm, but do what you enjoy. You always have a choice, always influence. Improve the world, start with yourself 😊.

Finally, what is your favorite Halsduk item?

The jacket in the photo is my first purchase. I bought it specifically for our Family Kick-off with all the brands, where I wanted to address our people and didn’t want to wear one of those stiff dark executive uniforms, but something more cheerful that suits my nature. There were at least 3 more jackets hanging in the store that I added to my wish list!

Erica Pool

Who is Erica?

With a Japanese Dutch background, I have inherited norms and values from both cultures. At age 9, they built a Japanese School in Amsterdam. From age 9 to 18, I faithfully – and proudly – sat in school all day every Saturday. Now I am reaping the benefits because I speak and write both languages fluently.

What is your background?

After my school geheadhunted to help Japanese companies start up in the Netherlands. I set up branches in the south axis of 3 large multinational companies

What do you do in daily life?

A huge career drive I had and never had setbacks, everything worked out for me. Until the moment I came to a crossroads. Because flying business class is nice but not every other week. Unlimited credit card for dinners with clients. But… for what? Now I have been running my own business club since 2011. I can finally mean something to someone else. Use the network I have built up over the years.

What are your dreams?

Every day I am living my dream. A sweet man. Two adorable sons. Living in Amsterdam and have had the opportunity to build 2 businesses that are growing consistently.

What makes you happy?

The smallest things in life make me happy. A cup of hot tea on a rainy day, an unexpected smile from a stranger, and the smell of freshly baked bread. An unexpected message. Or a conversation where you really get to know someone.

What is your personal life lesson?

Be kind, because you never know what struggles someone else is going through. Stay curious, because knowledge opens doors. Be grateful for what you have, because life is unpredictable. Dare to take risks, because growth happens outside your comfort zone. And be true to yourself, because that is the basis of your own happiness.

Finally; What is your favorite Halsduk item?

Of course I love all the jackets! Kimono exudes elegance and tradition. It envelops the wearer with an aura of timeless beauty. I love the jackets worn with a belt, but have a dark blue one myself that I can finally combine both chic and cool.

Erica Pool Lifestyle Business Club
Jeanine Timisela

Jeanine Timisela

Who is Jeanine?

I am Jeanine Timisela, I am 57 years old, married to Angelo and have 2 beautiful children, a son aged 24 and a daughter aged 22. I am also the proud grandmother of a beautiful grandson!

What is your background?

We live in beautiful Oirschot, but I grew up in Son & Breugel. My big dream was always to become an independent entrepreneur, and I succeeded.

What do you do in daily life?

I have a lingerie store, ‘t Weverke in the heart of Oirschot, where I enjoy working every day. The best part of my job is that you can make people “happy” and they leave the store happy. It doesn’t matter whether these are young people coming in for their first bra or the seniors we need a hand with.

What is your personal life lesson?

My personal life lesson I got from my father, many times little also makes many! Enjoy the little things…..

Finally; What is your favorite Halsduk?

My favorite Neckduk item I find tricky, because I am very happy with the suit because it looks elegant and wears super nice, but I also love the loose kimono! So both favored 😍

Anita van Reusel

Who is Anita?

Since 2000, I have been married with Mike. Together we have the two most beautiful and sweetest children a wife and mother could wish for! Bastiënne, 21, and Storm, 18. They are everything to me and I am so proud of them! Born and raised in Oisterwijk, went “strange” for a while, but will never leave.

What is your background?

I come from an entrepreneurial family from Oisterwijk. With a very hardworking father and mother. We had several businesses at home. I grew up with it and I know no better than that it takes hard work to achieve what you want. very hard I think I got my creativity, perseverance and discipline from my father. I’m actually pretty sure of that. As a child, it was not always easy because my parents were always working, while I saw otherwise with friends. How it could be. In contrast, along with my sister and brother, I was never short of anything. Nice vacations, nice dinners and being spoiled with what they thought was okay.

What do you do in daily life?

April 2023 I was asked by a leading consulting firm for a position in the communications department. I have no background in the world of marketing & communications, but they totally saw me. I took the plunge! I thought it was quite something, to make a career switch at 54. But I thought, what the hell, I’ll just do it!!! Now, six months later I can say that I am completely in place. Best choice ever! I get a lot of energy out of it and I am surprised day by day with all the knowledge and experience I am gaining.

In addition to my job in Rijswijk, I also have my own “business” Anita Werkt! I work for several clients, including a business association where I am secretary. A really nice organisation that I get to do fun things for!

In my spare time I like to hike with our Labradoodle Sjors and exercise a lot. In 2019, I decided to battle my excess pounds. I decided to drastically change my lifestyle, eating healthier and exercising more. In the meantime, I have lost 23 pounds. 1 kilo per month over 2 years. No powders, pills, surgical procedures or what so ever. Purely on one’s own willpower and discipline. And I’m quite a bit proud of that.

Once I want to start my own label, 10,000 ideas, but I currently lack time. Haha…. Maybe it will happen. I am always “making” things though, whether by hand or sewing machine. For example, I walked the Alpe D’huzes in 2023 and made and sold phone bags to raise as much money as possible for the KWF. This on top of all the donations I received. Looking back, I think, where did I get all that time? I made and sold hundreds of them. So you see, where there is a will, there is a way.

What are your dreams?

Wishes and dreams always keep you and that’s a good thing! But when I look around me, I think, what more could be desired? In this I am fairly level-headed and so is my family. Thank god! I still sometimes dream of having my own label, my own creations in whatever form. Plenty of ideas! Who knows, that will come … and that six-pack, that will come too ….

What makes you happy?

I have a very “great” social life, with very lovely people around me. Many dear girlfriends, with whom I take a trip once a year. That is something so special and I am so grateful to be a part of that. I also get happy from vacations with my family, taking long walks with Mike and Sjors, good food and a good glass of wine. Day at the beach works wonders with me… And when I have something in my head to achieve and it succeeds, I can get soulful about that too.

What is your personal life lesson?

Lessons enough! Hahahaha… One of them is, when you really want to achieve something, you have to go for it 1000%! And don’t be fooled! That is perhaps the most important!

Finally, what is your favorite Halsduk?

When I saw this black kimono, I was immediately sold! One of a kind! So beautiful, feminine and cool at the same time! Made for me it seems!!!

I believe Esmee also has these and so we are the only ones in the world. Hahaha… Whenever I show up somewhere with my Halsduk, I always get compliments and people ask me where I got the beautiful kimono… I have had my item for a while now, am careful with it and still make many an envious person with it! Thank you dear Esmee, fine friend, for this unique and beautiful item.Dank je wel lieve Esmee, fijne vriendin, voor dit unieke en prachtige item. I wear it with immense pride!!! X

Anita van Reusel
Fréderique Westerveld Westerveld uitvaarten

Fréderique Westerveld

Who is Fréderique?

I am 34 years old, live with my partner Dennis and daughter Cléo in beautiful Oisterwijk, between the woods and the city center. Business-wise, I am subdued, structured and modest. I think my friends describe me privately differently 😉haha. In fact, I also like to enjoy in restaurants with friends, or together with Dennis, but I also enjoy the moments with my daughter, and preferably in the woods. Because of the profession I practice, I enjoy the little moments all the more and realize all too well that life can suddenly change.

What is your background?

After my HBO Hotel and Event education, I started working at Libéma, an organization with various exhibition and event locations, as well as vacation and theme parks spread throughout the Netherlands. I have been working in the event industry for 10 years. Started as Account Manager, advanced to Project Manager and finally Sales Manager, where I was responsible for 6 venues events by and for the corporate market. As a result, I spent years organizing, arranging, taking care of people and hospitality. I was comfortable there, but actually also knew all these years that something was itching towards the Funeral Industry. I was missing a bit of depth in my job.

What do you do in daily life?

In 2022, I dared to make the switch, quitting my job to focus fully on training as a Funeral Director and starting my own business, Westerveld Funerals. (www.westervelduitvaarten.nl).In October 2022, the site went live and how bizarre, I received my first notification a few days later. And to complete the circle even then, it was from a former client of Libéma.

During my work as a Funeral Director/Owner, I am involved daily with guiding families through one of the most difficult, difficult and saddest times in their lives. With respect for the situation, I also bring some lightheartedness. I don’t come to families’ homes completely dolled up, in the week leading up to the farewell, and I do that intentionally. Relatives are defeated and I even sometimes have to help remind them to make some food for themselves, get some fresh air, let alone walk in heels and put on a layer of makeup. I adapt myself, to the family, making it feel very personal and casual for them very quickly.

What are your dreams?

I dream of being able to continue this lifestyle (I don’t call this work) for a very long time and get satisfaction from it. In which I like to keep doing it on my own for as long as possible, so that I can be sure that Westerveld Funerals is known for its real personality. Of course, I also want to grow, but I prefer to do that in the form of my own Funeral Home.

What makes you happy?

Fortunately, I am actually always. It’s really because of what I do. I face grief daily, I lost my own father 4 years ago and at that time I was 34 weeks pregnant. Fortunately, I have inherited my father’s level-headedness and rationality and can find peace in situations and not get stuck in the negative. That makes me have a nice life. Of course, sometimes I get extra happy from the little moments with my daughter, but also definitely from the moments when she is in bed or when for a moment I am not a mother but just “Fréderique.

What is your personal life lesson?

Pooh, I find that difficult. I like to be honest and sincere, and I think I especially stand for: “He who does good, meets good. You always meet again…”. For example, I enjoy working nicely with colleagues in the area. Everyone has their own strength and can offer something to families in their own way. I think competition is an unpleasant word in our profession. I don’t think there is any question of that. Families choose what suits them, what feels right for them. And if that is a large organization, or just a colleague with a larger team, or just a young person who is fresh in the profession, anything is fine. Because everyone in this profession, does it with their heart. So I grant everyone their happiness. Maybe that’s my life lesson: be kind to one another….

Finally; What is your favorite Halsduk?

The first time I came to Esmee, I deliberately came for a beautiful kimono for my work, especially to wear during farewell ceremonies. I love color, but it has to be stylish, I chose a beautiful one with blue and green. This was actually my favorite right away. I well remember coming in and saying, I want a collar/upstanding collar, and a long model. Esmee/ you immediately said, I’m going to hand you another model anyway. Haha, we both know it became the model you pointed me to 😉.

Kim Meijers

Who is Kim?

Kim Meijers (44) Personal Stylist. I grew up in Limburg but much more at home in Brabant where I have now lived for 23 years. Together with my dog Balou I live in Eindhoven and on the weekends we can be found in Goirle with my friend and his son. Or elsewhere in the Brabant or Limburg countryside to visit family or friends.

What is your background?

Despite my creativity and great love for fashion, I was discouraged from studying Fashion Designers because of the limited future prospects. I chose to study publicity design and went to work as a designer/creative DTP. In 2009, I decided to work as a freelancer and my passion for fashion began to pull on me more strongly again. After attending several workshops (from interior styling to fashion illustration) I realized that as a Personal Stylist I could combine my love for fashion, aesthetics, communication ánd people. I took a year-long course and started working as a Personal Stylist in 2018.

What do you do in daily life?

As a stylist, I advise ambitious individuals and companies on their visual presentation. Clothing is your most powerful nonverbal communication tool. I work with my clients to create a wardrobe that enhances their knowledge and value.

What are your dreams?

It is my dream to be able to empower many more ambitious people with clothing. I love to share my expertise and also enjoy being in front of groups, making others aware of the power of clothing is what I love to do best.

What makes you happy?

Very small things can make me happy. A sunshine during a morning walk with my dog or a nice chat with a stranger. But mostly I enjoy cozy evenings with friends and family, delicious food and drinks, and fine conversations.

What is your personal life lesson?

My main life lesson is that everything is temporary. In hard times it passes, and in good times it is essential to enjoy it extra.

Finally; what is your favorite Halsduk?

Ever since I met Esmee and her beautiful creations, I have been a fan of her suits with kimono jackets, especially the viscose variety. When my brother got married in the fall last year, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to have a suit made with her. The suit is not only beautiful as a whole, but the jacket and pants can also be combined separately. And it wears wonderfully!

Discover here Kim’s website.

Kim Meijers
Els Barnhoorn

Els Barnhoorn

“I am 58 years old, mother of two grown children and very proud grandma of a beautiful granddaughter of almost two. So wonderful to be able to make that connection.

I have been a funeral director since 2012 and in this profession I was able to find my passion completely.

Together with my love Eric I live wonderfully rural and we are involved in the business together Els Uitvaartzorg. With six female colleagues, we accompany the various farewell moments and in the process Eric is invaluable as a quiet force in the background in our support.

People live their lives, coloring it between birth and death.

Saying goodbye to that life, comes on everyone’s path; I experience it as a privilege to guide that process.

It is an honorable duty to be allowed to assist the bereaved and make wishes come true.

Giving the deceased a stage one last time and letting them be the center of attention.

Grieving begins on the day of death, in incurable illness even before.

That period is very important to be able to assist people with time and attention and inspiring ideas.

It is so special to be able to accompany bereaved families and I do it with heart and soul. To support and to be allowed to boldly direct where necessary.

We are unique in the way we work, we take unlimited time for the family and we work transparently and without commissions and fees. That appeals to a lot of people.

I value making real contact. This is something that is also always very important in my working life and makes the work very rewarding. Especially when I have last wish conversations with people and get to express their wishes. Often these become pleasant and interesting conversations. People often have so much to say.

Finally, what is Els’ favorite Halsduk item? “Actually, there are two items from Esmee’s collection.

First I’ll mention the scarf Esmee developed for Els Funeral Home. Containing the colors of our logo. So fittingly, she made the heart from our logo large. I like to convey that I do my work with my heart. That is emphasized by this beautifully soft silk scarf.

We do not wear a uniform, always our own attire appropriate to the type of farewell we may accompany. Sometimes this is chic, other times sporty and contemporary.

And privately, I really like wearing the beautiful suit in a denim fabric that I saw Annechien Steenhuizen of the NOS News wearing. So beautiful and stylish. I’m very happy with it.”

Inge de Wolf

“I am Inge de Wolf, 59 years old and married in March 2022 to John . We’ve known each other since 2006. I am a mother of 2 children. Because we are a composite family, I have 3 bonus kids and 5 bonus grandchildren I am a late bloomer, in everything! In education, having children, finding the love of my life, following my passion. My passion in fashion & being creative.

I am positive, enthusiastic, young in my head and sometimes behavior 😉 I can click very well with women in their 30-40s, but just as well from my own generation. I like sociability, the hustle and bustle of big cities and a big family. But I can just as easily be alone and have a great time at home, alone or in pairs. I am broadly interested, love music, I work out twice a week and am a succer to new things in fashion, beauty and skincare.

For years I worked in a commercial environment (staffing industry), where meeting targets and making profits were number one. After burnout, my partner and I decided to reshape our (family) life. At home I became the hub, in a then busy family and a partner for whom I did a lot of organizational work. In the meantime, much has changed. The kids fly out and my partner got a position where there was much less for me to manage. It created (even) more time for fun things and developing my personal interests.

I’m pretty active on instagram, which is partly why very cool things come my way. For example, collaborations with various fashion labels and I delve into beauty and skincare. A new collaboration is underway for next year in which I can use my creativity and ideas. To be continued!

Many things make me happy. Small and big. From walking through an awakening city in spring, terraces are set out, streets swept, intense enjoyment! From Saturday mornings with hubby: coffee, newspaper and Bossche bol haha. Of summer, of watching my children grow up into very social enterprising adults, of breakfasts and lunches away from home, of Italy, vacations, city trips, of our home and so on….

My personal life lesson: do what makes you happy. Do everything with maximum effort so that you get the most out of it.

Finally, what is my favorite Halsduk item? The kimono jacket! I love the scarves mega, but since I’m not a cold weather person, I don’t wear a scarf very often. Although, regardless of the weather conditions, it is also a very nice accessory. “

Inge de Wolf
Ambassadeur Joyce Dekkers

Joyce Dekkers

Joyce lives with her boyfriend Marc in Best. A Little town in North Brabant (Netherlands) They enjoy living in their super cozy home in Best.

After running a hair salon with her mother for 20 years, Joyce decided to follow her own path. Namely, coaching others on lifestyle & styling and combining that with their business. Her goal is to help women entrepreneurs have a successful wardrobe in which they feel confident and beautiful. Making them shine! Through live events and her 1-on-1 personal styling sessions.

Her dream is to make the world a little more beautiful in her own way.
“Do what warms your heart, follow your intuition and don’t get distracted.” (J.D.)

“I met Esmee at a coffee meet-up ofLifestyle Business Club. It was a special morning with beautiful conversations. Here Esmee told her personal story and passion that was born. It touched me and will always stay with me.

The next time I saw Esmee again I got a nice idea. I had just received an invitation to a wedding, with the dress code casual white. I asked Esmee if she had a dress in this and she said; I can look for a nice fabric and then I can (have) one made for it.

This, of course, I loved!

Esmee found a beautiful fabric and it turned into a very beautiful kaftan dress, with Esmee’s unique signatures.

I enjoy wearing it even after the wedding, it’s a great fit.” (J.D.)

Find out more about Joyce:https://www.joycedekkers.nl/

Geneviève Schelkens-van Wel

Geneviève Schelkens-van Wel is 42 years old, married and has 3 children Philippe (6), Jean-Louis (5), Marie-Claire (3) She is founder and owner of the jewelry brand ‘Le Rêve Amsterdam’.

Her hobbies are her three small children and when she has time left over in her free time, she enjoys most being busy with her business (her creativity is on non-stop), meeting up with her friends, going for walks and also loves supping on the canals of Amsterdam.

A few times a year she goes on production trips within Europe and twice a year to India.

Geneviève is truly living her dream (“Rêve”).

After graduating from the University of Technology, she began working as a business economist for major companies such as Ahold, Procter & Gamble and Douwe Egberts. When she had two children in one year, she actually wanted to schedule her own work hours instead of being salaried. In doing so, she also needed certain quality earrings that no one offered as she envisioned.

So like so many businesses, her company started out of a strong need for a particular concept that was not yet there and Geneviève followed heart/dream. Because she always finds customer service very important and so good service is high on her brand, her company quickly won the award for best new webshop in the Netherlands. What was the beginning of the growth of a beautiful brand where everything is about making women happy and feeling beautiful, who anno 2023 are so busy with a lot of activities and have less and less time for themselves.

Geneviève is in charge of designing the earrings, selecting the materials, as well as marketing and developing the brand’s strategy. She also has a nice team that handles the more operational matters, such as the beautiful packing of all orders and further order handling. And she listens carefully to her clients’ needs.

So they really do it together, because Geneviève can’t do it alone anymore, because the brand is growing fast and she is very grateful for that. It for and her team a joy to continue developing this brand.

Geneviève becomes very happy with her kids when they are happy and sees them enjoying their little lives. And she really enjoys working for le Rêve Amsterdam. Which is sometimes tricky balancing act for her. because with both, she feels like a fish in the water. And her husband, her friends and family are very important to her in her happiness!

Her personal life lesson is, “Actually very simple: find your passion, because if you find it and you make it your profession you really never have to work again. I spend my days doing what I love. Pure luxury to me. Because I’ve found what I love to do.” (G.S)

Finally; Geneviève, what is your favorite Halsduk item?

“I have a certain style that is just a little different from standard. And when I saw Annechien Steenhuizen on the 8 o’clock news wearing a beautiful kolbert, I came across Halsduk and instantly fell in love. I wanted a jacket bv just a little different and Esmee helped me realize this. I always find customization very appealing with clothing so that it becomes exactly how I like it.

I love denim immensely, so my favorite item is a denim kolbert/kimono with a denim sparrow on my right shoulder blade. But actually I really like every item! A match made in heaven!” (G.S)

Halsduk Ambassadeur Geneviève Schelkens-van Wel
Sascha Bertus Halsduk Ambassadeur

Sascha Bertus

” “The best way of learning about anything is by doing”. This quote stands for who I am and this is also the beginning of my book Pack Your Success. I was born in Rotterdam and love this city and its mentality: always thinking in terms of solutions, down-to-earth and no nonsense. This also keeps my perfectionist side in balance.

As a style strategist, I provide (future) leaders with strategic advice so they can confidently and easily put together impressive outfits that reflect both their personality and professionalism. I am also founder of House of Appearance, where I work with a team of experts to teach business professionals how to connect, influence and persuade with their appearance.

Privately, I become most happy from both simple and special experiences with the people who are dear to me. Think a spontaneous dinner with friends, a nice conversation with my kids, going to the woods with my dog Finn or going on vacation together again after 25 years now that the kids are grown. Business-wise, you can’t make me happier when a client calls after an extensive process to say that the style strategy worked and the desired goal was achieved.

What personal life lesson would you like to share?

Put yourself number one! For me, setting boundaries has been the theme this past year, and then you learn to think of yourself first. It feels selfish to do so, but it is precisely not. Instead, you mean more to others by giving yourself what you need.

Finally, what is your favorite Halsduk item?

Ever since I wore the denim kimono suit for a shoot, I was in love. This suit was something I had to have! The style of the suit suits me perfectly, especially since it can be worn both chic and sporty. Many people don’t know that I have an Asian husband. That makes it extra special for me to wear a kimono jacket.

Sascha Bertus is founder and owner of House of Appearance.

Vief Croon

Vief Croon, is married and proud mother of 3 children. Her closest friends describe her as a planner, entrepreneurial, focused, caring and opinionated.
Looking ahead professionally certainly fits these character traits as well.

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile”
After 20 years of working passionately as a dental hygienist, I decided to follow my heart for fashion. After training as an Image Stylist, I now have my own Fashion Salon and give Styling Advice in addition to working in the dental office.

It’s super to work with Esmee. Her gorgeous kimono jackets come off perfectly with the perfect basics fromVief’s Fashion Salon.
An exclusive kimono or scarf from Neckduk by Esmee should not be missing from any wardrobe. With an eye for detail and durability, Esmee makes timeless fashion! I personally enjoy wearing both the kimono jackets and scarves and, of course, all year round! Proud to wear such beautiful clothes!

Kim Meeuwissen

Kim Meeuwissen

Kim, enjoys living with her family in the Brabant village of Oirschot.
She is a proud mother of Ties (22) and Fee (20),
Kim is always on the go and as she describes herself; “I am a doer, energetic and entrepreneurial.”

“As a recruiter, I am completely happy in my job. I love helping people move on to jobs. Matching is a mega challenge every day.
Connecting people to each other and engaging myself socially is very important to me! In addition, I am a BABS (Extraordinary Registrar of Civil Status) and have had the opportunity to connect many couples. I get mega energy from that too!

In addition to a busy schedule, I dedicate myself to organizing events for@Stichtingdon. With the goal of raising money to cure type 1 diabetes. A rotten disease that our daughter Fee has also had to deal with 24/7 since 2014.

As I get older, I enjoy the little things more and more. My recipe for being happy is to stay close to myself and be myself.

I got to know Esmee at the tennis club in Oirschot and got to experience her journey with Halsduk up close! Esmee her drive, positivity and warm sweet character and her story behind Halsduk is so beautiful to me!

I love my kimonos from Esmee and love wearing them!
The beige item with gold thread is my favorite, feminine and sexy. It wears wonderfully!”

Carola Peters

Carola Peters (Carool), is a mother of 3 daughters, wife, window dresser, ceramist and stylist. 

On a freelance basis, Carool has been exhibiting for 30 years. But she prefers to be with her hands in the clay. “Wonderful to make and build ‘something’ out of nothing.” 

Carool also gives regular interior design consultations and volunteers with an organization that brings lonely elderly people together. 

Her favorite Halsduk item: “My kimono jacket in Dries van Noten’s fabric. I instantly fell in love with the fabric and the color. And has become a real eye-catcher partly due to Esmee’s great advice.”

Carola Peters
Halsduk ambassadeur Isabelle Geraards

Isabelle Geraards

Isabelle, a connector pur sang. Always sees possibilities and opportunities for another person. Isabelle is full of ideas and is like a fish out of water when she gets to organize or supervise beautiful events. I got in touch with her when I started working with Van Loon Galleries, where Isabelle is Event Manager.

When we ask Isabelle about her favorite Halsduk item, her answer is, “my favorite Halsduk item (kimono jacket, pants or scarf), I must say I wear my kimono jacket the most. So I guess that will be my favorite item then. But of course the beautiful silk scarves by Slava Fokk and Joris van Spaendonck have a very special meaning for me.”

Sophie van de Vyver

Sophie Van de Vyver of Sophisticatedbox. She is a successful fashion blogger and personal stylist in Belgium. With more than 52,0000 followers on Instagram, Sophie shares her passion for fashion daily.

Her favorite Halsduk item is the Denim kimono jacket.

Sophie van de Vyver

may-britt beau kimono Jasje

May-Britt Beau Bank

May-Britt works within the legal profession and is married to her great love.

“Recently my life has been dominated by being sick. This has made me look at life differently. I am even more aware that life is a circle of happiness, sadness, difficult and happy times. ”

Why did May-Britt choose a jacket from Halsduk?

“In my search for the perfect kimono jacket for me, I have one more special wish. When I am no longer around, the kimono jacket will be passed on to someone very dear to me. To which I will add a handwritten bill that the kimono jacket represents determination and strength.”

Amanda Rijff

Amanda Rijff, make-up artist and beauty expert. She is one of the top Dutch makeup artists. And she is also the owner and founder of Fabelish.com and has published her own book Flawless.

Her favorite Halsduk item is the silk kimono Fåglar.

Amanda Rijff

Amanda Rijff Pink silk kimono Fåglar

Edith Bosch

Edith Bosch, former Dutch judoka living in Amsterdam. She became world champion, European champion and multiple Dutch champion. She competed in the Olympics four times and won three medals (1 x silver and 2 x bronze). Edith is currently a co-owner at AYWE.

Her answer to the question of what is your favorite Halsduk article is, “Why this question? I like everything! If I had to choose I would say my unique kimono, my long silk kimono and my silk gold pants. But also my wool blue kimono…. ooohhh so hard. I want to choose them all!


Cinosanda Sandele, blogger and content creator. Cinosanda was born in Angola, lives in the Netherlands and has a degree in Business Economics. With more than 16,000 followers on Instagram, she inspires others with her story and style.

Her favorite Halsduk item is the silk kimono Fåglar.

Pink silk kimono Fåglar

Barbara Peek

Barbara Peek, founder and owner of the La Peek sportstyle brand.

Her favorite Halsduk item is the Fåglar Large Pink.

Babara Peek

Bettina Kampert

Bettina Kampert, employee D-OPS Air Traffic Control Netherlands (LVNL).
As an employee, Bettina is a jack-of-all-trades. In addition to all the usual support roles in policy, procedures, communications, stakeholder management, finance, etc., she is primarily a safety net and oracle. Colleagues can come to her with many questions, as well as to suggest new ideas, share concerns or just a chat, it all comes along. Furthermore, the collaboration with the director is so good that many reflection and evaluation conversations take place; what goes well, what could be better…. I enjoy these conversations, I am still learning every day!

What is her favorite Halsduk item?

The Halsduk kimono jacket. What a beauty and what a beautiful quality. I feel great when I wear it. Sometimes on leather pants with heels underneath but it also goes with ease with jeans and cool sneakers making the kimono super versatile as well.

Florentine Verheijen

Florentine Verheijen, director of Human Capital at Canon Business Center Northeast and OSN.

Her favorite Halsduk item is the Fåglar Kimono.

Sonja Pessel

Sonja Pessel, entrepreneur and owner of home furnishing store Parvani in Kamerik.

Her favorite Halsduk item is the Löv Beige.

Sonja Pessel

Gigi Bowmer

Gigi Bowmer, make-up artist. It stands out in professionalism and quality. Her passion is to help ambitious businesswomen make a top impression. Gigi combines beauty and business in a very personal way.

Answering the question what your favorite Halsduk article is, “It’s hard to choose from the wonderful pieces you create. For example, the silk kimono you made for me gives a sense of sporty, chic allure.
And the scarf in the photo is an all-rounder, a magic wand. With a suit, casually folded or nicely tied. It is always successful. Very nice to be able to add allure in an instant.”

Gigi Bowmer

Philomène Klomp

Philomène is an independent entrepreneur. As a Cross Cultural Trainer & Behavioral Expert, she helps people maximize their potential.

“I just love people and my biggest outcome is seeing my clients communicate more easily and perform better.”

To the question; What is your favorite Halsduk item? Lead her response, “A difficult choice. My favorite item is the kimono jacket Elegante green. Gorgeous quality and incredibly comfortable. Neckduk gives me that modern, yet businesslike twist.”

Philomène klomp

Philomene Klomp Halsduk Ambassadeur

Angela Ursem

Angela (49) is a slasher: entrepreneur / business partner / volunteer / mother / wife / friend / colleague ;-). That’s really how it is for me: always busy, preferably 10 things at once!

She is founder of the skincare brand “Food for Skin.” Also board member of the Kromkommer Foundation.

Her favorite Halsduk item is the denim kimono jacket.

Food for skin

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